
Breaking Barriers

For 2020, STA is launching a new project called ā€˜Breaking Barriersā€™, which will form part of our continued commitment for promoting Inclusiveness, Integrity and Collaboration in grassroots learn to swim programmes.

Over the last few years, STA has partnered with many fantastic organisations who share our vision of swimming being inclusive to everyone, regardless of age, ability, social background or location.

The aim for ā€˜Breaking Barriersā€™ is to further enhance these specialist partnerships, and work with our members and network of swim schools to educate and positively help break down some of the barriers people face when learning how to swim, both here in the UK and internationally.

Throughout the project, we also want to celebrate all those involved in swimming that have overcome adversities; champion those who are inspiring others and showcase people, young and old, who are using swimming positively to change their everyday lives. We also want to promote the diversity of Aquatics, and all the fantastic life-time opportunities available to those who take the plunge and learn how to swim.

The theme will also be carried through into International Learn to Swim Week in May, where we will be drilling down into the specific key areas that prevent people from learning to swim as part of our #LoveWaterSafely theme.

Zoe Cooper, STAā€™s Sales and Marketing Director says: ā€œAfter many months of development, and inspiration from our Water Safety Squad Ambassadors, we believe ā€˜Breaking Barriersā€™ provides an all-encompassing communications channel for us to come together and share the amazing work we all do in Aquatics – and in turn inspire others.ā€

Watch this space for further information!
Association News, Community, Opportunities, Swimming Teaching

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