New £1.5m Re-training Fund Launches for CIMSPA Qualifications That Are Endorsed Against the Sector’s Professional Standards

As an official awarding organisation partner for CIMSPA, Safety Training Awards welcomes the announcement that £1.5m training is being made available to retool the sport and physical workforce. This will include funding for STA’s pool plant operator, swimming teaching, open water swimming and lifeguard qualifications as they are all endorsed by CIMSPA against the sector’s Professional Standards.
Launched by CIMSPA on 8th September 2020, ReTrain is a new £1.5m training initiative that is being funded by the National Lottery through Sport England. The funding announcement follows a recent CIMSPA survey which indicated that up to 6% of the activity workforce (30,000) people are planning to leave the sector.
ReTrain has been designed to support employer partners of CIMSPA, CLUK and ukactive with sites in England, by providing free training for new and existing staff, to enable them to work in new areas. CIMSPA state this will allow employers to continue providing valuable services to their local community, and that there will be a particular emphasis on areas of social deprivation. To become an employer partner, apply here.
During Phase 1 of the funding process, CIMSPA have confirmed the focus will be on courses that lead to CIMSPA endorsed qualifications – qualifications that are endorsed against the sector’s Professional Standards – to help businesses recover after lockdown.
STA’s qualifications that qualify for funding as they are endorsed by CIMSPA against the sector’s Professional Standards include:
- STA Award in Teaching Swimming
- STA Certificate in Teaching Swimming
- STA Pool Lifeguarding
- STA Pool Plant Operations
- STA Open Water Swimming Coaching
Claire Brisbourne, Safety Training Awards Director, says: “This is fantastic news for all of STA’s swim school members and partners that are employer partners of CIMSPA, CLUK or ukactive. The leisure industry has been hit hard by the pandemic and as CIMSPA’s survey indicates we are in danger of losing valuable skilled people. This much-welcomed funding will positively help the aquatics industry plug the skills gaps so that they continue to deliver their services.”
Claire added: “This announcement will also be welcome news for Safety Training Awards’ Approved Training Centres that are accredited CIMSPA training partners, because they will be able to facilitate the delivery of all of STA’s CIMSPA endorsed qualifications through the ReTrain programme. CIMSPA is also calling for applications from training providers who are interested in becoming a CIMSPA Training Provider Partner here.”