
Getting into a Swimming Teacher’s Psyche

“Psychology For The Swimming Teacher” was the name of a training session that STA Regional Organiser John Holden recently organised for teachers in Norwich and the surrounding areas – and he believes this could be the very first training day of its type in the UK, with teachers coming from all parts of the region and as far away as Sussex.

“With the plethora of children leaving primary school and subsequently secondary school unable to swim 25 metres, it is vital that teachers are given the opportunity to develop and extend their teaching skills, as there can be no education without teacher education,” said Mr Holden. The day not only focused upon children’s lessons but adults too, as statistics show that 1 in 5 UK adults cannot swim, he went onto explain.

John developed a varied programme, which included interactive learning, looking at topics such as learning through imagination, differentiation and innovation. To round off the very successful day, John presented the teachers with some thought provoking questions, prompting useful discussions.

Swimming Teaching

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