
All Round Praise

It’s always great to hear back from members, and STA recently received this note from a newly trained swimming teacher Julia Saul who wrote to thank Julia De Lucchi of Swim Smart, Little Edgewood, Reepham for conducting such a wonderful training course.

To whom it may concern,

I would just like to thank Julia De Lucchi of Swim Smart, Little Edgewood, Reepham for conducting such a wonderful swimming training course. There were 3 of us on her course (after one was taken seriously ill on the first day) and we all passed and became fantastic friends, which was delightful! It certainly was an intense course with thorough training and the added advantage of having real mums and real babies to train with! Thank you to Julia and all the parents and babies for all your help and support! I sincerely look forward to making a difference to lots of children going forward by helping them learn how to swim!

Julia Saul, Wanstead, London.


Pictured here from left to right are Jenny Goodall, Julia De Lucchi, Sam Seaman and Julia Saul.


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