
Scotland Deliver Free Training

Scotland-free-swimmingWith support from the Big Lottery, STA Tutors and Examiners across Scotland have been delivering free swimming teaching training to help more than 100 youngsters gain employment.

Facilitated by Anna Roscoe (Swimming Tutor) and Joan O’Sullivan (STA Scottish Development Officer), the free STA courses – the Swimming Teaching Award, Baby & Pre-School and Pool Safety Certificates, plus Safeguarding – were open to young people aged 16 – 25 who would not ordinarily have been able to take up the training.

Joan O’Sullivan confirmed that the aim of the programme, which spread from Bettyhill on the North Coast to Kilmarnock in the South, is to increase their chances of securing meaningful employment.

She said: “Everyone who took part enjoyed it immensely and many have gone on to secure jobs teaching swimming since qualifying.”

Community, Swimming Teaching

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