
An Early Christmas Present for This Season’s Swim Star Teacher

STA is delighted to reveal this winter’s Swim Star Teacher, Eloise McQuaid from Grove Leisure Centre, which runs approximately 1,500 swimming lessons for learners aged between 6 months to 70+ years at various abilities.

Jamie Parr, Operations Manager at Active 4 Today and mentor for Eloise, put his nomination forward earlier this year due to the fantastic development Eloise has shown, starting as an apprentice to being offered a permanent contract of employment.

He explains, Eloise joined us in September 2014 as a Modern Apprentice, shortly after undertaking her STA Pool Lifeguard Qualification that was tutored by myself. Although quite shy to begin with, she soon came out of her shell as she got to know everyone. She began by assisting on our Aquatots and Pre-School lessons, and over the course of her apprenticeship she gradually took on more responsibility and was given her own lessons in Aquatots, Pre-School, and our School age swimming lessons. Upon Completing her Modern Apprenticeship in August 2015, she was offered a permanent contract.

Eloise was nominated for being a great teacher due to her relationship with her learners, her knowledge, dedication and versatility in being able to teach and adapt to all age groups.

Eloise has been appreciated by staff and customers alike, as shown by some fantastic testimonials from parents:

Eloise is a fantastic swimming teacher. Teddy has made so much progress both in confidence and skill since being in Eloise’s group. He will now swim on his back without holding onto a teacher, and more importantly without crying! She constantly reassures the children in the beginners 1 group and has an endless amount of patience. I cannot recommend Eloise enough.

Jane Carroll

I am very happy of Lena’s progress in swimming thanks to Eloise’s individual approach. From my point of view Eloise recognize each child’s needs and helps them to rich their milestones. She treats them individually giving them the time they need not trying to push them to do things they not ready for yet. Lena loves attending the lessons, she finds it relaxing and funny.

Kamilla Lawska

STA is very keen to encourage more young people to take on swimming teaching and what a great example from Active 4 Today on promoting and welcoming new apprentices and developing their skill set.

Zoe Cooper, STA’s Sales and Marketing Director, is extremely pleased with this season’s Swim Star Teacher award: Well done to Active 4 Today and Eloise for working together and bringing another fantastic swimming teacher into the industry. It is always great to see swimming teachers like Eloise get awarded for their fantastic work.


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