Manual Handling Tutor Status

Manual handling tutor status grants those with the appropriate pre-requisites the ability to deliver and assess Safety Training Award’s Safe Moving and Handling qualification.

Gaining Full Tutor Status

Upon successful application, tutors are granted probationary status and in order to gain full tutor status must:

  • Be linked with an approved training centre
  • Be successfully moderated face-to-face for a minimum of 4 hours delivering and assessing your first course.

Deliverable Qualifications

Upon successful application, a manual handling tutor may deliver the following qualifications:

Validity of Tutor Status

To maintain the validity of status as an STA tutor, tutors must:

  • Attend updates and refresher courses, as and when required by STA
  • Hold current membership of STA.

Interested? Before You Get Started…

You’ll need to make sure you’ve met the following requirements before you attend your course:

Apply for Your Tutor Status

Manual handling tutor status is gained via recognised prior learning, so you do not need to attend a course.

Download Application Form