The Competitive Starts & Turns Awards focus on ensuring that the swimmer is conscious of the safety of both themselves and others when performing both starts & turns in practise as well as in competition. Covering the four competitive strokes, the Competitive Starts & Turns Awards also ensure that swimmers understand and follow the relevant Laws of the Sport for Starts & Turns, which include all the starting signals and the procedures relating to false starts.
The competitive dives show competence in the Grab Start, Wind-Up Start and the Track Start in both deep and shallow water. Transition into full stroke is also taught according to the relevant Law of Sport. The Competitive Turns show competence in all four competitive stokes in both deep and shallow water according to the relevant Law of the Sport, with correct transition into full stroke.

Learning Outcomes
At the deep end
- Grab start, wind up start, track start for front crawl, butterfly and breaststroke with transition into full stroke
- Backstroke start with transition into full stroke
- Tumble turn for front crawl and backstroke
- Butterfly and breaststroke turn with transition into full stroke
- Individual medley turns
At the shallow end, minimum water depth 1.35m
- Grab start, wind up start, track start for front crawl, butterfly and breaststroke with transition into full stroke
- Backstroke start with transition into full stroke
- Tumble turn for front crawl and backstroke
- Butterfly and breaststroke turn with transition into full stroke
- Individual medley turns

Learning Outcomes
At the deep end, using a starting block for starts
- Grab start, wind up start, track start for front crawl, butterfly and breaststroke with transition into full stroke
- Backstroke start with transition into full stroke
- Tumble turn for front crawl and backstroke
- Butterfly and breaststroke turn with transition into full stroke
- Individual medley turns
At the shallow end; max height for the block of 0.5m and water depth should be 1.35m
- Grab start, wind-up start, track start for front crawl, butterfly and breaststroke with transition into full stroke
- Backstroke start with transition into full stroke
- Tumble turn for front crawl and backstroke
- Butterfly and breaststroke turn with transition into full stroke
- Individual medley turns