The Kingfisher Series of 3 awards develops diving skills. It can be used to complement a learner’s development whilst they are working towards Goldfish, Angelfish and Shark awards.

Learning Outcomes
- Submerge in chest deep water and recover an object from the bottom of the pool using both hands
- Push and glide on the surface and hold the streamlined position for 5 seconds
- Push and glide to the bottom of the pool, glide up holding a streamlined position
- Push and glide to the bottom of the pool, tuck, place feet on the pool bottom and jump up
- Push away from the side of the pool into a handstand
- Push and glide on the surface, pike at hips into a handstand and remain in a stable position for 3 seconds
To be performed in water which is at least chest height.

Learning Outcomes
- Crouch, spring up, then submerge to recover an object from the bottom of the pool
- Crouch, spring upwards into a glide on the surface in the prone position
- Crouch, spring upwards, then submerge to the bottom of the pool and glide up
- Crouch, spring upwards, then submerge to the bottom of the pool; tuck, place both feed on the floor and spring up
- Crouch, spring upwards and forwards into a handstand; hold in a stable upright position for 3 seconds
- Crouch, spring upwards and backwards into a back glide on the surface
- Perform a back stroke start from the side of the pool
To be performed in water which is at least 0.9 metres deep.

Learning Outcomes
- Perform a sitting dive
- Perform a kneeling dive
- Perform a squat five
- Perform a crouch dive
- Perform a lunge dive
- Perform a plunge dive
- Perform a racing dive with transition into a prone stroke
All dives to be performed from the poolside into water which is at least 1.8 metres deep.