Using UV to Neutralise Crypto in Pools
Robbie Phillips, STA’s Pool Plant expert provides advice on the latest recommendations from PWTAG on the use of UV to neutralise crypto.
“PWTAG are recommending the use of UV to neutralise crypto.
How many sites will change due to cost and logistics is questionable. However, there is a mis-understanding in that operators wrongly interpret the use of UV as the cure to crypto introduced into pools, splash zones etc.
It should be noted that a correctly designed and maintained UV system can inactivate the oocysts – only after passing through a UV unit at the correct conditions (including clarity, flow and lamp wave length and intensity).
The most important point is that this still does not change the 6 turnover period rule, as this determines the amount of time for 99% of the water to pass through the filtration and UV, providing the UV unit is a 100% pass.
If you do not understand this, please contact myself or Richard Lamburn at STA and we will gladly clarify.”
Robbie Phillips, Senior Pool Plant Tutor –
Richard Lamburn, STA Technical Support Officer (Pool Plant) –
STA will shortly be issuing an information note on this subject.
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