
‘Back to School’ – STA Junior Medic

Monday 22nd – Friday 26th September

There has been a lot of debate in the press recently about whose responsibility it is to teach first aid to children, should it be the school or the parents. In response, we are reaching out to the local community to give young people the opportunity to learn basic first aid skills at our leisure centre and via local schools.

juniormedic juniormedicposter

The Junior Medic programme, developed by STA, is a comprehensive course aimed at children aged 8 years and above, and covers such issues as what to do if someone has a sprain, broken a bone, has an asthma attack, heart attack or suffers cuts and grazes.

STA will provide you with a fully resourced package including:

  • Poster templates
  • First aid leaflets to hand out to children
  • Press release

Would you like to get involved? For more information email Zofia Houlston at

Please note that to deliver the Junior Medic programme you must hold one of the following valid qualifications:

  • STA Emergency First Aid at Work
  • STA First Aid at Work
  • STA Pool Lifeguard
  • STA NaRS Beach Lifeguard
  • RLSS Beach Lifeguard.


Community, Water Safety, Health & Wellbeing

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