
STA Score Accreditation with Scottish Youth FA

STA has been awarded accreditation by the Scottish Youth Football Association to deliver its Emergency First Aid Qualification to volunteers who support the sport at a grass roots level.

Ryan Trumpeter, STA’s Technical Support Assistant for Lifesaving and First Aid said he was thrilled to have accreditation from the youth football governing body in Scotland for STA’s Emergency First Aid Qualification.

“Our Tutors we will be holding a number of courses in Scotland over the coming months, which will enable the organisation’s volunteers to receive in-depth first aid training that will give them the skills they might need should an emergency situation occur during training or play,” confirmed Ryan.

David Little, Scottish Youth Football Association’s Chief Executive said: “We greatly value all the volunteers and young people who participate within grass roots football. It is therefore vitally important that we provide a duty of care and secure the best first aid provision on their behalf. This is the reason we have undertaken this piece of highly valuable work.”

For further information on STA’s range of first aid qualifications, visit

Association News, Lifesaving and First Aid

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