
Hot Tub Cinemas

In the latest issue of Swimming Pool News, STA’s Pool Plant team discuss the latest craze of Hot Tub Cinemas – see an extract from the article here.

A memorable evening maybe – but it could be memorable for all the wrong reasons.

If these hot tubs are not managed in the correct way and do not comply with the correct guidance, the potential for associated risks is phenomenal.

With 20 hot tubs, 120 guests, a licensed bar and waiter service this could easily provide a memorable night out. – Birmingham Mail

To control the associated risks, regular water sampling must be undertaken; our recommendation would be a testing interval of every 2 hours (minimum) where the hot tub water is tested for free & combined chlorine and pH levels.

These tests must be recorded and actioned if required. The increased risk of the growth of bacteria, including an advanced risk of Legionella, makes undertaking testing and operating the hot tub in a safe manner even more important than your average swimming pool.

STA offer a wide variety of water treatment and pool plant qualifications, all of which include or can be tailored towards the management of a Hot Tub or Spa.

For more information contact STA on 01922 645097, email or visit

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