Aqua Sensory – An Exciting New Programme for Baby and Pre-School Swim Schools

STA tutor Jo Wilson has launched a unique new programme called Aqua Sensory, which provides children with a rich mixture of sensory exploration and early developmental opportunities.
Aqua Sensory is a unique programme which provides children with a rich mixture of sensory exploration and early developmental opportunities. Unlike traditional swim programmes, where the focus is for the child to learn to swim… Aqua Sensory has no such pressures.
Aqua Sensory combines traditional dry land activities like music, massage, singing, signing, discovery play and movement in the swimming pool. Which is in fact, of course a natural multi-sensory environment itself.
Swimming Teachers will find Aqua Sensory not only a fun class to deliver, but a programme where you they can guide their parents to tune in and learn all about their child’s development. The programme is supported by a number of parent fact sheets after each lesson.
How and Why the Programme Has Been Developed
The programme has been researched and written by Jo Wilson, STA tutor. Three years ago Jo launched Aqua Sensory into her Warwickshire swim school. After becoming interested in looking into the reasons behind why there was an increase in developmental delays and sensory processing disorders in our young children of today and what was needed to educate parents into helping their children promote their development from an early age.
The theory behind Aqua Sensory has been a collaboration with many experts in their fields; from health visitors, occupational therapists, early year practitioners and psychologists to name but a few.
Parents and babies love sensory activities and there has been a natural demand for different types of sensory classes whether it is yoga, massage, baby sensory, music, signing and more. Jo soon came to realise the value in setting out a programme where these could be incorporated into the pool, and where fun and freedom was at the forefront. Jo has found that parents naturally want to join these classes, and for some they still want to participate in learn to swim classes too.
It is truly a unique programme and a first in the UK.
Aqua Sensory Workshops
Jo Wilson and her team at Swim Works are planning to deliver a number of Aqua Sensory workshops. Swimming teachers will learn all about the benefits and how they can incorporate the principals and Aqua Sensory activities into their lessons, or how they can run stand-alone Aqua Sensory lessons. She is particularly passionate about teaching how to ‘sensory layer’ according to the child development. Children can get easily over stimulated and although the programme uses different equipment and resources, the science behind the lessons is delivering sensory simplicity with parent focus.
For more information about attending an Aqua Sensory Workshop please email
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