
Center Parcs Set to Launch New Swimming Programme for Pre-Schoolers

Last year STA created a bespoke baby and pre-school swimming programme for Center Parcs, called STAnley’s Swim Pups, and now, following its successful pilot, it is being rolled out nationwide across all five Center Parcs villages, starting this September.

The STA programme, which proved a success when piloted at Center Parcs Sherwood Forest and Whinfell Forest, allows young guests to participate in a structured swimming programme while on their short break. They learn essential swimming and movement skills and are rewarded with a STAnley Swim Pups certificate as a memento at the end.

Kaylë Burgham, Head of Aquatics at STA said: STAnley’s Swim Pups is unique because it is an all-encompassing programme designed to teach and reward children aged 3 months to 4 years in a short time– and it gives families the flexibility they need while on a short break, by not having to commit to multiple sessions to achieve an award.

Led by trained STA baby & pre-school trained teachers, children are taught key water skills through play and a series of fun games that celebrate other aspects of Center Parcs. For example within the STAnley’s Swim Pups’ lesson plans, children can ‘cycle’ around the pool on a woggle, take part in an aquatic ‘nature trail’ and ‘canoe’ on a pool raft.

All of the bite-sized activities are fun to do as a family and serve to build a child’s confidence in the water.

Kaylë added We are thrilled the pilots have been such a success and we are excited about launching the programme nationally with Center Parcs, the leader in the UK short break market. Until now, the only other alternative for short break companies, particularly for this young age group, was simple play-based pool activities which offer little in the way of learning outcomes.

We are very proud to be working with Center Parcs on this first-of-its-kind swimming programme.

The name, STAnley’s Swim Pups, links with STA’s pre-school learn to swim awards programme which is characterised by STAnley, STA’s friendly water safety mascot.

Swimming Teaching
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