
Coronavirus Update

STA has been contacted by swim schools and lesson providers over the concerns surrounding Coronavirus and what they should do and what measures should be put in place. STA advises its members to follow guidance issued by the government and the NHS should they have any concerns over the Coronavirus outbreak.

Coronavirus is a type of virus that can cause infection in your nose, sinuses or throat. Other symptoms of Coronavirus may include fever and a cough which may lead to pneumonia causing shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.

Coronavirus is likely to have more severe symptoms in people with low or weak immune systems and people who suffer with long term conditions such as cancer, chronic lung disease and diabetes. Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new strain that will affect your lungs and airways.

In the UK, the Chief Medical Officers have raised the risk to public from low to moderate, but the risk to individuals remains low.

The 3 main symptoms of this strain of Coronavirus are a cough, high temperature and shortness of breath. If you do display these symptoms it does not necessarily mean you have the illness, as these are also associated with common conditions such as colds and flu. Just remember:

Catch it: Germs spread easily. Always carry tissues and use them to catch your cough or sneeze.

Bin it: Germs can live for several hours on tissues. Dispose of your tissue as soon as possible.

Kill it: Hands can transfer germs to every surface you touch. Clean your hands as soon as you can.

If you are unsure and feel unwell after travelling to any affected areas or have been in contact with people who have recently returned from travelling and you are displaying symptoms, stay indoors, avoid contact with other people and call 111. When calling 111 please advise them of any travel you have undertaken and symptoms you may have. For further information and the latest updated guidance on Coronavirus from the NHS and the Government, please visit:

Any tutors who are currently delivering courses, please see the guidance document issued by Public Health England for advice on the Coronavirus for places of education:

Public Health England Information

First Aid and Lifesaving Tutors, please see the information below provided by Qualsafe relating to the importance of manikin hygiene in relation to Coronavirus:

Qualsafe Information

If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. The information in this publication is correct as of 28/02/2020. Please ensure you remain updated using the links above.

Coronavirus Updates

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