
STA Welcome’s Sport England’s New 10-Year Strategy

Huge praise to Sport England for creating a new “Uniting the Movement’ 10-year strategy that places strong values on the importance of sport and physical activity in our communities.

Thanks to Tim Hollingsworth and his team for collaborating with the industry during these difficult times on the development of this powerful strategy, which focusses on transforming health and fitness levels – with children and the most disadvantaged central to the plans.

From recovery and reinvent to connecting communities, creating positive experiences for children and young people, connecting with health and wellbeing, and creating active environments, we wholly support Sport England’s ambitions.

We now look forward to further collaboration and supporting the successful delivery of this strategy. The full ‘Uniting the Movement’ strategy document can be downloaded here.

Dave Candler

Association News, Swimming Teaching

Dave Candler

Dave has been involved in teaching swimming and leisure management for over 20 years. Prior to becoming CEO, Dave worked for ten years as the Operations, Swimming and Training Manager at one of the largest publicly run swim schools in the country. It was there where he gained valuable, insightful front-line experience of the leisure industry. He also worked as an STA tutor, training many hundreds (if not thousands) of teachers and gained multiple qualifications that support his role today at STA.

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