
Live Q&A – Conflicts of Interest

Further to the recent ATC Conflicts of Interest survey we released, the Compliance and Quality Assurance Team are developing some supporting resources for ATCs and their staff. The resources will assist you in identifying, managing, and monitoring conflicts of interest within your ATC, as well as reporting them to STA.

Prior to releasing the supporting resources, Safety Training Awards (STA) EQA’s, Anne Marie Harriman and Maria Timperley will be holding live Q&A sessions on this subject matter to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Louise Bangham, Head of Compliance and Assurance will also be in attendance to assist in answering questions.

The sessions will be held on:

Tuesday 21st March 2023 (12.30pm) – REGISTER HERE!
Thursday 23rd March 2023 (18.30pm) – REGISTER HERE!

Please note all sessions will be recorded for those who are unable to attend. To provide some anonymity there will be no camera view for attendees and no function to speak, all questions will be asked via the chat function. The questions will be read out and answered during the session or via the chat. We highly recommend that you send in your questions, however, big, or small prior to the sessions so we can cover as much as possible during the live event.

Please send your questions to with a subject heading ‘Conflicts of interest Q&A’. The team will try their best to answer as many questions as possible during the sessions. However, if we don’t cover them all we will provide FAQ’s shortly after both events are complete. In the meantime if you need any support or guidance, please do not hesitate to contact the Quality Assurance team or your allocated EQA and we would be happy to help.

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