
Swim Up Close with Swimming Nature

Swimming Nature creates a new CPD – An Introduction to Private Lessons.

For the last 30 years, Swimming Nature has specialised in delivering 1:1 and 2:1 swimming lessons and they are now sharing their teaching experiences in a new online CPD titled ‘An Introduction to Private Lessons: The Swimming Nature Approach’, which STA is hosting via STA Online.

The practice of teaching small groups in the water, as compared to large group classes taught from the poolside, requires a different style and approach say Swimming Nature.

From keeping young participants focussed and motivated during a 1:1 / 2:1 lesson, to how they are manually supported in the water by their teacher without the use of flotation aids so that they learn how to use their body safely and confidently from the start.

Swimming Nature imparts this knowledge in its new CPD to show how its core principles, methodology, and philosophy have worked over the last three decades; with the theory and the technical practices also explained for those who may be looking into starting in-water small group lessons or who have always taught from poolside and are interested in this expert insight.

The CPD also explores stroke techniques in detail, and one of STA’s brand ambassadors, an STA tutor, who was invited to comment on the Swimming Nature content before its launch, highlighted this section, and said:

“The stroke techniques in this CPD are a little more in-depth than on the Award course and therefore would be really useful for teachers who want to expand their knowledge, or for those from a non-swimming background who want to gain extra insight into the technicalities/science of swimming – or if you simply want to refresh your knowledge.”

Daniel Quinn-Graham, Swimming Nature’s Learning & Development Manager, who has taught group lessons from the poolside, and for the last five years has used Swimming Nature’s teaching methodology for 1:1 and 2:1 lessons, said: “We believe Swimming Nature’s approach sets the standard for teaching one to two particpants in the water, with our technique creating effortless swimmers. This approach has been honed over the last 30 years by our founder Eduardo Ferré, and we would really like to share through this CPD what we’ve learned to help other swimming professionals – particularly those who have never taught small groups – gain an understanding of who we are and what can be achieved using our benchmark approach.”

Kaylë Brightwell, STA’s Director Of Education, added: “As swimming teaching professionals learning is in our DNA, and by sharing different experiences and techniques, like those in the Swimming Nature CPD, we can keep expanding our knowledge, and raising standards.”

The Swimming Nature CPD is available here via STA Online at £25 and on completion, learners will receive 1 STA CPD point.

For further information about Swimming Nature, visit their website here. Alternatively, please click here to email Swimming Nature regarding this CPD.
Association News, Open Water Swimming, Swimming Teaching

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