
Say Hello to STA’s 2024 Brand Ambassadors

Today we are delighted to announce our new team of Brand Ambassadors for 2024, who from January will be using their experience and knowledge to offer assistance to new and existing members throughout the year.

  • Adam Comfort
  • Calum Boyle
  • Camilla Golledge
  • Carrie Morrison
  • Emma Holden
  • Emma Webb
  • Hazel Fulker
  • Jo Cheek
  • Laura Ansell
  • Lucy Cawley
  • Lynne Robshaw
  • Marg Cawley
  • Marie Kelly
  • Sarah Wiseman
  • Sophie Etheridge
  • Steve Lodge
  • Susan Murrell
  • Vicky Malmsjo
  • Zara Peasland

Learn more about each of our 2024 STA Brand Ambassadors here:



My journey began in 2008 when I started my own swim school. At this time, I was newly qualified with little experience, no contacts in the industry and no social media; it could be lonely and it took much trial, error and research to be successful.

Therefore, for me, being a Brand Ambassador for the STA means I can use my experiences to help people on their own journeys. With STA’s resources and support network, coupled with my involvement as a STA Baby and Preschool Tutor and holder of all the Aquatic disciplines, I hope to help motivate, inspire and guide those who seek it – and I’m looking forward to hosting more webinars in the new year

I have a creative and generous mind that I am keen to share.

Facebook – @aquaticroleplay
Instagram – @willowbabesswim


Applying to be a member of the STA Ambassador team is something I have considered for several years – previous timing hasn’t been quite right, but I now feel I have the time and space to commit fully to the process. Promoting the STA brand is something I do naturally within my local community, for my swim company and those wishing to explore teaching; overseas, the STA logo is showcased on my conference and tutoring presentations to show where my roots are firmly planted and to enhance international understanding of the professional organisation I am proudly linked to. Throughout my career in teaching, I have needed to call upon the help of the STA on several occasions – whether it has been a tutoring query, personal questions, business concerns – and each time I have been connected with someone who was willing to listen, offer help and advice, and check back in at a later stage to ensure all was well. I do not know of many organisations that offer this level of member assistance on such a personal level, especially for the small membership fee charged. I believe this is very special, and I personally value it greatly. Therefore, I think it is time to give back and share the STA love as an Ambassador – building on the excellent relationships STA creates with its members by being a point of contact to listen and help other members where possible.

West Midlands

I’ve been a swimming teacher for 19 years, and a tutor of all disciplines. Having run courses for so long, as an Ambassador I hope to share this experience for the benefit of others.

Facebook – aet.swimschool
Instagram – @aet_swim_school and aet_courses

West Midlands

I’ve been an associate member of the STA since 2007, and over the last two years I’ve enjoyed my role as an ambassador and thoroughly enjoyed doing Water Safety Talks to young children in a Nursery setting where a student had lost their life to drowning. This is something I’d like to do more of, in support of STA’s charitable objectives.

Facebook – aet.swimschool
Instagram – @aet_swim_school and aet_courses


Volunteering as an Ambassador, is my show of support for the STA in recognition for all the amazing work they do to support the industry, their members and wide community. I’m keen to help develop opportunities for the association, and support the development of qualifications, events and tutors.

Facebook – @SJTrainingSolutions


I coach open water swimming in the neighbouring lakes, e.g., Heron, Shepperton, Liquid Leisure etc. and I tutor open water coaching courses for both NOWCA and The Swim Surgery.

I love being an STA Brand Ambassador so I can give back to the industry I love. The STA have been a huge support to all aquatic’s disciplines over the past few years and throughout the pandemic, so it was time to show them the support too. If anyone needs any advice or help in anyway, please don’t hesitate to ask me.

Facebook – @ComfortAquatics
Instagram – @ComfortAquatics

Kent/East Sussex

Being an STA Brand Ambassador is not only a privilege, it’s also woven into who I am. I am a water and blue space advocate and am thrilled to share my knowledge and passion with others. I am inspired by so many aquatic professionals and hope to be able to inspire others to get out there and be the best watery person they can be.

I would also like to motivate new and existing members to be aware of their impact on the climate and to get involved with local beach/river cleans, as well as keep their skills and knowledge up to date through STA courses and CPD’s.

Facebook – @swimfusion
Instagram – @mybigsummerSUPandSwim


As an STA Brand Ambassador, I am hoping that I will be able to continue to inspire other swimmers with disabilities to try open water swimming again this year, and that I can continue to help change people’s perceptions on what those with disabilities can achieve when they have the right support in place.

I also hope that I will be able to improve information for open water swimming coaches on being inclusive to those with disabilities, and encourage them to find more accessible swimming spots so that more people with disabilities will have access to a sport that I love and care about so much.

Fun Fact: When I first started sea swimming at age 11 or 12, I decided that it was mean to eat fish because I was now swimming with them, since that day I haven’t eaten fish.

Facebook – @SEadaptiveathlete


Being an Ambassador for the STA is really important to me as being part of this organisation is something I am extremely proud of. The STA works tirelessly to support, inform and educate its members on everything that is going on in the aquatics industry. Throughout the pandemic, the STA was at the forefront of providing these regular updates.

As someone that is equally as passionate about the open water, being chosen as an ambassador for this sector of the aquatics industry is a role I am delighted to have. It is my mission to inspire as many others as possible to embrace and enjoy all that the open water can offer. Open water swimming changed my life in so many positive ways, so I am really excited to be able to share my knowledge and experience with any new swimmers and coaches that enter the wonderful world of open water swimming through the STA.

Facebook – Swimspirational Open Water Coaching
Instagram – @swimspirational_openwatercoach


I’m a strong believer that swimming should be there for everyone, for any ability/age; and as a provider as a coach and athlete, I really want to help support the STA with ongoing support and learning. STA has helped me and I love the honour of being an Ambassador.


I have been a member of the STA since 1996 and have been teaching swimming for over 30 years – for the last 17 years at Castle Point Borough Council. I am also a Swimming Tutor and love running courses and supporting new swimming teachers through their journey. I’d like to show my support for STA by becoming an Ambassador for a second time, and use my expertise and knowledge to help any swimming teachers through their journey.


I have always been very passionate about lifesaving and first aid and have been since first qualifying as a lifeguard over 30 years ago. I am currently working for Virgin Active as a lead tutor and IQA (also our ATC Co-Ordinator) and am currently completing my train the tutor status with STA for lifesaving and first aid. I love the STA and I feel I have lots to offer as an Ambassador. I want to continue to help promote the STA lifesaving and first aid qualifications and help inform other operators.


I have been incredibly proud and grateful to represent the STA as an Ambassador over the past 2 years and I’m looking forward to continuing with the role in 2024. Since coming out of the pandemic we have all fought hard to protect our industry and we continue to face ongoing struggles as swim school owners and representatives of the leisure industry. I am keen to continue supporting the STA to tackle the ever-evolving challenges we continue to face. I would also like to offer more support to fellow peers as I feel my knowledge and expertise could help benefit newer members who are just starting out.


I am excited to be an STA Brand Ambassador position; it’s a role that perfectly aligns with my extensive experience and passion for swimming. With 22 years as a qualified swimming teacher, 20 years as a coach, Triathlon coach, open water tutor and Parent and Baby teacher, along with a robust background in open water swimming, I am eager to contribute to the promotion of water safety and community building in our swimming family. My commitment to open water swimming is exemplified by the creation of TriSwim, a community that welcomes 3000 members each year and 500 new swimmers each year to the open water environment. Additionally, I authored a CPD for STA focused on safety in cold water swimming, showcasing my dedication to ensuring the well-being of swimmers. As one of only 35 Swim Smooth coaches worldwide, I bring a unique perspective and expertise to the role. Beyond technique, I am deeply invested in creating support networks for mental health within the open water swimming community, recognizing the holistic benefits of the sport and combining it with my Masters in Applied Sport Science to create a science-backed, yet means tested approach to support and nurture in swimming. Collaborating with Bear Grylls has provided me with invaluable insights into promoting safe swimming practices at festivals and within the Bear Grylls Survival Academy. This experience has reinforced the importance of safety, resilience, and community in open water environments. Swimming is not just a career for me; it’s a passion that I want to share.


As an Ambassador now in my third year I have to say that I thoroughly enjoy the role. Meeting other Ambassadors, sharing knowledge, attending the Henley Festival and being present at the Zoggs wetsuit launch this year have allowed me to meet swimmers from outside of the STA and promote the brand to them. I look forward to continuing my Ambassador role.

Facebook – the.steve.lodge


I see the STA Brand Ambassador role as important because we all need someone to talk to, whether for advice, support, guidance or just a listening ear when things don’t go well. Within the Ambassador role I see myself as a conduit to help all tutors give their best and help them to access sources of information. To help tutors and assessors to keep all the standards set by the regulators and STA. Hopefully to be there when they need me and easy to approach.

Finally, to help as many people as possible to access the aquatic environment be they swimmer, tutor, or assessor.



I started out as a lifeguard just over 8 years ago now, and in that time have gone through most of the STA qualifications as a learner myself, before progressing on to be a tutor too. As an Ambassador I will happily share this unique experience to guide learners and newer tutors.

As a tutor in Lifesaving, First Aid, Aquatics and Disability, I can answer any queries and support any members might have in any of these disciplines, as well as the expected IQA or EQA processes as I have been part of these on numerous occasions as a tutor, assessor or both. I know personally I used to always be a bit worried and stressed about IQA/EQA visits and making sure I had everything; however with experience I now know that these processes are entirely supportive and are only a positive for ensuring processes/standards are consistent throughout the individual ATC, and between ATCs. Hopefully, my experiences will help me in the role of an STA Ambassador and allow me in turn to help others.

Facebook – Swimspirational Open Water Coaching
Instagram – @swimspirational_openwatercoach


Being based in the Scottish Highlands I have a unique take on the aquatics industry and more specifically open water swimming. In my current role as an STA Aquatics Tutor, I already fully champion the STA’s values and ethos and I’m now looking forward to another year as an Ambassador, sharing more new ideas and potentially educational webinars for members.

Instagram – @beyondthewater_uk


    Emma Webb

    As the owner of Swimmingly, I fly the STA flag in the Republic of Ireland and work as an STA Examiner in Northern Ireland. I live the STA way and even though it has become harder since Brexit, I still feel STA is the best, all over the world. As an Ambassador, I am eager to learn, help and support wherever I can.

    Facebook –

    For assistance and guidance from any one of our Brand Ambassadors, from January, you can you use our postcode search to locate your nearest contact.

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