Wayne Goldsmith’s Swimming Teaching Master Class Podcast Series

Multi-award-winning Australian sports coach’ Wayne Goldsmith has exclusively teamed up with STA to launch a new Aquatic-themed podcast.

Wayne has worked directly with Olympic champions, professional teams and winning coaches across the globe for the last 30 years, and through the podcast, he will be sharing his expertise across all areas of teaching, coaching and leadership.

Further Resources:

Soft Skills of Swimming Coaching Online Course
Wayne’s Amazon Book Store


  • Episode One - The 5 Qualities of Great Swimming Teachers

    Episode One – The 5 Qualities of Great Swimming Teachers

    11th January 2021

    When I think about the great swimming teachers I’ve met, observed and worked with over the past 30 years, the one thing that defines their greatness above all is that they CARE.

    They care about their students. They care about their teaching. They care about the quality of their lessons. A great swimming teacher really CARES!

    In this podcast I present the 5 Qualities of Great Swimming Teachers and use the word C.A.R.E.S. to help make these qualities easy to remember and simple to apply in your own teaching.

    1. Communication
    2. Attitude
    3. Relaxation
    4. Engagement
    5. Smiles
  • Episode Two - Your COVID-19 Daily Better Teaching Routine: Becoming A Better Swimming Teacher While You're Not Teaching Swimming

    Episode Two – Your COVID-19 Daily Better Teaching Routine: Becoming A Better Swimming Teacher While You’re Not Teaching Swimming

    18th January 2021

    COVID-19 has presented all of us in the swimming industry with some considerable challenges.

    However we know that one day Covid-19 will be a thing of the past and we’ll be back doing what we love doing.

    While it all may seem a bit daunting right now, why not try to take the opportunity of being away from the pool to get better at teaching?

    Spending a little time each day to develop your teaching skills, improve your mental health and enhance your physical well-being are positive and constructive ways to deal with the many trials and tribulations of this difficult and demanding period.

    In this podcast I discuss how to go about following a DAILY BETTER TEACHING ROUTINE: Five simple, practical and enjoyable things you can do each day during the Covid crisis that will super-charge your swimming teaching.

    You’ll enjoy it and you’ll be a better swimming teacher than ever.

    • Learn 1 new teaching skill every day
    • Do 1 thing each day for your own mental health
    • Do 1 thing each day for your own physical health
    • Connect with 1 other teacher each day and share ideas
    • Do 1 creative thing each day.

  • Episode Three - The First 30 Seconds Are All That Really Matters

    Episode Three – The First 30 Seconds Are All That Really Matters

    25th January 2021

    Your lesson plan is important. So too is having your teaching environment set up and ready to go on time. But it’s the first 30 seconds of your lesson that really matter.

    In this podcast we talk about the first 30 seconds of your lesson and how making an immediate and authentic connection with the swimmers determines the success of your class.

  • Episode Four - Connecting with Parents and Carers - How to Build the Relationships Around Your Teaching

    Episode Four – Connecting with Parents and Carers – How to Build the Relationships Around Your Teaching

    1st February 2021

    Teaching is a partnership between you – the teacher – the swimmers and their parents / carers. During class time it’s all about your ability to connect, engage and inspire the hearts and minds of the swimmers. But while your time with the kids is limited – their parents / carers have many hours and days with them between your swimming lessons.

    In this podcast we talk about partnering with parents / carers and how they can work with you in accelerating the learning and rate of improvement of your swimmers.

  • Episode Five - What To Do If It’s Just Not Working

    Episode Five – What To Do If It’s Just Not Working

    8th February 2021

    We’ve all been there. You’ve prepared for the lesson. You’ve organised all the equipment. You’ve set up the pool space. Everything should be brilliant. But for some reason it’s not working!

    In this podcast we consider what to do when your class and your teaching are just not working.

    What can you do as a teacher to turn “one of those lessons” into an engaging and enjoyable learning experience for everyone?

  • Episode Six - Top Ten Technique Tips

    Episode Six – Top Ten Technique Tips

    16th February 2021

    This podcast presents the Top Ten Technique Tips and discusses how to use them to improve the technique of your learners regardless of their age or level of experience. 

  • Episode Seven - Butterfly - Fabulous Five Tips and Tricks

    Episode Seven – Butterfly – Fabulous Five Tips and Tricks

    22nd February 2021

    In this first podcast in our special series on swimming stroke technique we talk about Butterfly. We present the Fabulous Five Technique Tips and Tricks to help you teach and coach the stroke of butterfly.

  • Episode Eight - Backstroke - Fabulous Five Tips and Tricks

    Episode Eight – Backstroke – Fabulous Five Tips and Tricks

    1st March 2021

    In this second podcast in our special series on swimming stroke technique we talk about Backstroke.

    We present the Fabulous Five Technique Tips and Tricks to help you teach and coach the stroke of backstroke.

    BONUS TIP: Don’t over complicate backstroke! The body position is simple – it’s like laying down flat looking up at the stars or like walking down the street. Keep it simple!

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